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Circle of Green
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What are Green Attributes (GA)?

“环保”指的是我们的能源产品和服务的环保特性和效益. These attributes may include renewable energy resources, reduced carbon emissions, energy efficiency, sustainability practices, and initiatives aimed at promoting a greener and more sustainable future. 

In this context, think of Green Attributes as currency. The monetary value to the earth and the economy, of your smart decision to switch to energy powered by solar panels.  

What are Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)?

For example, when a renewable energy generator, such as a solar facility, produces electricity, it also generates RECs. 每个REC都代表了生产一兆瓦时(MWh)可再生能源所带来的环境属性和效益. 
How does GAs get converted into RECs?

Senoko Energy will convert your GA to RECs that are sold, on your behalf, to businesses looking to off-set their carbon footprint. This way, 这些企业可以确保提供给客户的部分电力来自可再生能源, even if it is not physically delivered directly to each customer's location. 

It's a Circle of Green that starts with you. A positive chain reaction that you ignite. Want to make an impact and earn money? Here's how: 

How does this help Singapore become carbon-neutral by 2030?
When businesses purchase RECs, 它们直接支持可再生能源项目的发展和增长,为清洁能源需求的增加发出了强有力的信号. 这种远离化石燃料的转变不仅减少了温室气体排放, a major driver of climate change, but also paves the way for a sustainable energy future.


In essence, RECs作为一种有价值的机制,通过加速采用可再生能源和减排,直接为新加坡的净零目标做出贡献.
What is TIGR?

TIGR stands for Tradable Instrument for Global Renewables. It's as a global registry, managed by APX in the USA, 它可以证明你生产的是清洁能源,并给你一个独特的序列号.

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What is the LifeGreen24 plan?
LifeGreen24是一项为期24个月的固定费率计划,让您为帮助新加坡应对气候变化和实现碳中和电力消耗尽自己的一份力量. 这是一种面向家庭的在线独家价格计划,每月向您发送电子账单. Based on your actual electricity consumption, 根据Senoko的接管计划,我们将取消相同数量的可再生能源证书(rec). 欲了解更多详情,请参阅Senoko Energy的LifeGreen24条款和条件.
What is a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)?


Electricity can be generated from renewable and non-renewable sources. Once electricity enters the power grid however, 它与所有其他电力来源混合,所以没有办法确切地知道你的电力来自什么能源. 

因此,RECs代表了可再生电力的清洁能源属性. 1 REC represents one megawatt hour (1,000kWh) of energy generated from a clean, renewable source, such as wind, solar, hydro, or certain types of renewable biomass. 因为这些可再生能源在生产能源时不会产生碳, 它们可以间接抵消家庭用电所产生的碳排放.


Where is my renewable energy coming from if I sign up for LifeGreen24?

Our LifeGreen24 plan enables your electricity consumption to be 100% carbon neutral; for every 1MWh you use under our LifeGreen24 plan, Senoko能源承诺购买(并退出)由全球注册机构TIGR-APX颁发的同等数量的可再生能源证书(rec). APX公司是环境和能源市场基础设施解决方案的领先供应商,他们通过全球可再生能源交易工具或TIGRs注册(

Senoko Energy根据我们的LifeGreen24计划购买(和退役)的RECs是由东南亚的太阳能产生的. 因此,家庭用电产生的碳排放将被这些可再生能源产生的可再生能源所抵消.

Why is LifeGreen24 more expensive than other standard electricity plans?
我们的LifeGreen24计划比我们的标准电力计划成本更高,因为它考虑了Senoko能源购买RECs以抵消家庭碳排放的成本. By choosing to sign up for our LifeGreen24 plan, 你们正在间接地鼓励种植更多的可再生能源资产,你们的承诺将为该地区的此类可再生能源项目提供资金.
每个REC都有一个唯一的注册号,在证书上注明. 此注册号可用于通过T-REC验证可再生能源的来源.ai platform.
How can I check the origin and validity of the REC?
每个REC都有一个唯一的注册号,在证书上注明. 此注册号可用于通过T-REC验证可再生能源的来源.ai platform.
What is the difference between a REC and Carbon Credits?

RECs and Carbon Credits are two different instruments.

Carbon credits refer to a tradeable permit that allows a company to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide or equivalent greenhouse gases; this permit allow s them to emit one tonne of carbon dioxide or equivalent amount of a different greenhouse gas. If a company uses fewer credits than it has (bought), it can trade and sell its credits to other parties who need it (i.e. carbon offsetting).

RECs, on the other hand, 可再生电力市场使用的法律文书是否考虑到可再生电力及其属性,无论该可再生电力是安装在机构的设施上还是从其他地方购买. REC的所有者对每兆瓦时(MWh)可再生电力的属性拥有专有权,并且可以对产生REC的可再生电力提出独特的索赔.g. using or being supplied with a MWh of renewable electricity, reducing the emissions footprint associated with electricity use).